Monday, August 13, 2007

Rara Avis to be a part of September's "The Sampler"

The SamplerOkay, so if you don't know what "The Sampler" is, then here's the quick rundown. You make stuff, you send stuff to The Sampler, the Sampler sends you a great little package of handmade goodies and information. Even if you don't make stuff, you can still subscribe for a small fee. Then you just get to sit on your couch and wait for your package of goodies. How cool is that??

I decided to participate for the September package. I'm sending in 50 pair of medium charm hoops (Made of brass... You want gold? Go buy it!) from my EUTECTIC line, so if you subscribe, you may be one of the lucky people that get my sample. I'm planning on continuing to send in stuff (maybe a charm for the hoops next time, or a handmade holiday card), so stay tuned.


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